Fix Mac Onedrive Syncing Issues

Do not uninstall the OneDrive app till you have made backups

Open the Finder App and go to the menu "Go" , then Utilites

Open the Terminal App

Check to see if there an existing OneDrvie CloudStorage:

/bin/ls -hal ~/Library/CloudStorage/

You should see a folder named "OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools"

If so, back up it with this command:

/usr/bin/rsync -aP ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools ~/tmp

(~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools/ is not the same as ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools, the ending / changes the meaning of the backup location)

to verify how much was backup to ~/tmp, use:

/usr/bin/du -ch ~/tmp/OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools/ | /usr/bin/grep -v -e "0B\t" | /usr/bin/sort --human-numeric-sort


Now, "Quit OneDrive" if it is still running

Now, Download a new OneDrive.pkg file from

Install the PKG file

Once the new software is installed, we need to delete the old OneDrive folder

Open the Finder.App, Go Menu, OneDrive, and select "Delete "OneDrive"..."

Open the Finder App, Go Menu, Applications and you should find a "' that was modified today.

It may say "You're not signed in", select "Cancel" button

Open the OneDrive app, and click on the gear and select "Unlink Account"

Close the Login screen and open OneDrive.App again

It should fill the user account with the LPS email, hit next until you get a prompt of "Finish Setting UP"

You will need to give the new OneDrive.App permissions. 

Now, wait for OneDrive.App to be done backing up the Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders of the macos user account.

Now, to restore the files from our backup:

/usr/bin/rsync -aPOmc ~/tmp/OneDrive-LawrencePublicSchools/ ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-LawrencPublicSchools/ --exclude ".DS_Store" --exclude ".Trash" --exclude "*.lnk" --exclude ".*-????-????-????-*"

Article ID: 1205
Created: November 28, 2023
Last Updated: February 15, 2024

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