Create Blackboard ConnectEd group export from PowerSchool
Setup your Current Student Selection
Click on "Importing & Exporting"
Click on Export User Template"
Pick Student as Type of Export
Pick "BBConnect Group Export" as "Export template"
pick "The selected ### students" as "For Which Records"
click submit
save the file as CSV
open the file with Excel
Change the name of the group in the Group column for the 2nd and 3rd row
Highlight the two cells, and double click on the small square in the bottom left
Excel will fill out the rest of the cells below
save the file by pressing the Ctrl and S key together at the same time
Login to Blackboard ConnectEd (
Click on Receipts
Click on Import Data
Click on Select files..."
Pick your edited CSV file
Click on "Advanced options"
Click on "Preserve Data"
Click Import